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Leadership Network / News
Climate change takes center stage at Leadership Network Indonesia hui

Leadership Network member Dewy Sacayan reflects on the network's visit to Indonesia to engage in discussions with leading think tanks and organisations driving the nation's climate-change response.

Sports / News
Bali's Monkey Forest and civic cat coffee surprise Kiwi athletes

Attending the World Championships in Bali, the Modern Pentathlon New Zealand team took some time out to take in the culture of the host nation, including visiting the famous Monkey Forest.

Media / News
Media intern sees impact of climate change firsthand in Indonesia

Stuff journalist Maddy Croad describes her time interning at Al-Jazeera in Indonesia and seeing firsthand the impact that climate change has had on one of the country's most vulnerable communities.

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KPMG internship, Indonesia

The KPMG Indonesia internship is for final year undergraduate students, graduate students and recent graduates who have or are studying towards a degree in economics or related fields.

Media / Grant
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ACICIS Journalism Professional Practicum in Jakarta, Indonesia

The Foundation supports New Zealand journalism students and recent graduates to attend the Australian Consortium for In-Country Indonesian Studies (ACICIS) Journalism Professional Practicum.

Business / News
KPMG internship shines a light on bustling Indonesia

Arriving in Jakarta, KPMG intern Thomas Kim was blown away by the hustle and bustle of the city but quickly found his feet putting his university education to work helping the KPMG team and their clie

Business / News
Indonesia insights for health and beauty entrepreneurs

Booming Indonesia is a high risk market with potential for equally high rewards, writes health and beauty delegate Rebecca Hunter.

Arts / News
Short film festival highlights Indonesia

The 2023 Show Me Short Film Festival turned the spotlight on Indonesia, looking beyond the beaches of Bali to delve into the societal issues facing the S.E Asian country.

News / News
Kiwi chef showcases Pacific food at Indonesian festival

When it comes to culinary delights, Asia and the Pacific have a lot in common but much they can learn from each other, writes Chef Robert Oliver.

Media / News
Media intern swept up by bustling Jakarta

Media intern Isabella Cleary describes the six weeks she spent living in Indonesia, learning Baharsa, exploring the countryside with friends and covering local stories.

Leadership Network / News
Leadership Network members visit thriving charity schools in Indonesia and Cambodia

Christey West reports back on a trip to Indonesia and Cambodia she took with fellow network member Johanna Peek to visit charity schools they support through their non-profit Just Peoples.

Leadership Network / News
Leadership Network member shaped by a love of languages

Nathan Taylor fell in love with languages while living in Indonesia as a teen and went on to do a Masters looking at how accents influence an individual's perceived credibility.

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