country information

Find facts, figures and information about India, including population, climate and useful websites.

India - country information

Our country information for India provides relevant facts and figures as well as useful links to resources, websites and local media.


Flag of India

India's flag

Population: 1.35 billion (2018 est.)

Geography: 3,287,263 square kilometres

Climate: India has three main climate regions: Himalayan region in the north; Plateau region in the south; and the Gangetic Plain. The climate is mainly tropical in the south, but can be more varied and unpredictable in the north.

World heritage sites: Humayun’s Tomb, Elephanta Caves, Taj Mahal, Great Himalayan National Park

Capital City: New Delhi

Language(s): Bengali, Bodo, Maithili, Punjabi, Malayalam, Telugu

Official language: Hindi

Political system: Federal constitutional republic; gained independence from the United Kingdom in 1947

Travel advisory information: For up-to-date travel advice for India from the New Zealand government visit

Useful websites:
