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Simon Draper's June 2022 Update

In this month's Executive Director's Update, Simon Draper looks back on his recent visit to Seoul and Bangkok where he connected with some of the Foundation's stakeholders and gauged how things have c

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Simon Draper's May 2022 Update

Last week’s government announcement that New Zealand boarders would be fully reopening to international visitors by the end of July will, no doubt, have been received with a sigh of relief by many.

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Simon Draper's April 2022 Update

There’s no better way to gauge the mood of a nation than to talk to well-connected people on the ground who understand the country intimately.

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Simon Draper's March 2022 Update

Since my last update, we've welcomed nine new New Zealand Honorary Advisers to the team and said goodbye to a departing cohort.

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Simon Draper's December 2021 Update

Ngā mihi o te Kirihimete ki a koutou. Here we are, at the end of another tumultuous year. It has been a year of challenges, plan Bs, contingencies and learning to roll with the punches...

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Simon Draper's November 2021 executive director's update

I need to start this update by acknowledging the passing of the Foundation’s former chair John Luxton. Kua hinga te totara i te wao nui a Tane, ka tangi hotuhotu nga manu.

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Simon Draper's October 2021 Update

‘Governance’ is one of those words so often used these days that when said it can mean nothing or everything. It is, at its core, one of the key parts of any functioning organisation, hard to get righ

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Simon Draper's September 2021 Update

Kia ora koutou. Kia pai, kia harikoa hoki Te Wiki o te Reo Māori. It is an important week in Aotearoa as it is a chance for us to celebrate and help revitalise this country’s indigenous language.

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Simon Draper's July 2021 Update

Executive director Simon Draper reflects on his visit to Australia to meet with partner organisations of the Foundation and touches on some of the latest developments for the education programme.

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Simon Draper's June 2021 Update

Each year around now for more than 20 years, the Foundation has released our biggest piece of research for the year – our Perceptions of Asia report, which we launch today, Wednesday 16 June.

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Simon Draper's April 2021 Update

One of the highlights for me from the past month was connecting with some 50 young people who have been through our business internship programme at a reunion in Auckland.

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Simon Draper's March 2021 Update

Simon Draper looks back on some of the events of March and how they impacted the Foundation and its work. He also looks forward to the month ahead.

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