24 Results
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Resources / Report
Asia and Asian Peoples from a Te Ao Māori Perspective

Māori have an edge when it comes to engagement with Asia and there’s potential for ties to be further strengthened, finds a new survey from the Asia New Zealand Foundation Te Whītau Tūhono.

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News / News
Connections matter -
Perceptions of Asia 2018

Increased personal connections and travel to Asia are helping to make New Zealanders feel more knowledgeable about the region, research from the Asia New Zealand Foundation Te Whītau Tūhono finds.

Resources / Report
New Zealanders' Perceptions of Asia and Asian Peoples - 2018

The Foundation’s latest Perceptions of Asia report shows a marked increase in New Zealanders’ self-assessed knowledge of Asia compared to five years ago.

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Leadership Network / News
The importance of language and aroha

Dewy Sacayan is a solicitor and an environmental activist based in Auckland. She writes about attending our Te Ao Māori Hui in Waitangi in June 2019.

Leadership Network / News
Hui provides candid insights into Japanese society

Alex Smith writes about her experience and insights she gained as a participant on the Foundation's Leadership Network Japan Hui. She was part of a sixteen-member cohort who travelled to Japan to disc

Resources / Report
Annual Report 2019

It’s been a busy year for the Asia New Zealand Foundation, and we were pleased to end it with some excellent feedback from our stakeholders.

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Resources / Report
New Zealand and Japan: To our future

With many New Zealanders’ eyes on Japan for the Rugby World Cup, a new report commissioned by the Foundation explores whether enough has been done to sustain the relationship off the field.

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Media / News
NZ contributing to Indonesia's rubbish mountains

1 News political reporter Anna Whyte reports on investigating Indonesia's plastic-waste recycling industry, which sees thousands of tonnes of plastic from overseas, including from New Zealand.

Entrepreneurship / News
Green pastures in Singapore for NZ entrepreneur

Boutique beef products from a family farm in Taranaki are being delivered to foodies in Singapore, thanks to an introduction made possible by the Asia New Zealand Foundation.

News / News
Simon Draper's
June 2019 update

Executive director Simon Draper writes about what has been happening over the last month, and what we can look forward to in June.

News / News
Māori fashion meets China

Fashion designer Kiri Nathan recently travelled to China with a group of other Māori fashion designers. Read about their trip in China, and also the establishment of Kāhui Māori Fashion Collective.

Sports / News
Sushi, sake and surfing in Japan

Sushi and sake, sure, but surfing, it’s not something people readily associate with Japan.

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