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Leadership Network / News
Q&A: Leadership Network member weathers turbulent 2020 in Taiwan

We chat to Leadership Network member Amanda Cundy about living in Taiwan in 2020, studying Chinese and her plans for the future.

Leadership Network / News
Learning Chinese opens doors to wider world

The Asia New Zealand Foundation chats with Leadership Network member Emily Wilby about why she took up studying Mandarin Chinese and the opportunities studying the language have provided her.

Media / News
Intern's passion for journalism opens doors in Indonesia

NZME journalist Katie Harris says studying Bahasa Indonesia and interning for global news agency APF was a life changing experience that made her reconsider the way she approaches journalism.

Resources / Resource
A day in the life of a Japanese high school student

This physical education unit explores the differences in lifestyles of students in New Zealand and Japan.

Leadership Network / News
Mandarin on business-skills wish list for Leadership Network Member

Leadership Network member Rasik Makan has been part of a team in Sydney tasked with advising a group of Chinese investors on the acquisition of a solar farm. He says the experience has underlined to h

Resources / Resource
Video: Learning Mandarin Chinese

At the age of eight Nathalie Harrington moved with her mother to Liuyang city in the Hunan province of China.

Resources / Resource
Japanese Language Week

With upcoming sports events to be held in Japan, it's a great time to promote the learning of Japanese in your school. The Sasakawa Fellowship Fund for Japanese Language Education have produced this

Resources / Resource
Learning Bahasa Indonesia

Asia New Zealand Foundation Leadership Network member Chris Henderson became interested in learning Asian languages after he won an AFS scholarship to live in Malaysia for a year during his final year

Resources / Resource
Asian language learning in Schools

We promote and collaborate with language learning providers who offer quality, cost-effective programmes for schools.

Leadership Network / News
Learning Mandarin Chinese - a Leadership Network member's story

At the age of eight, Leadership Network member Nathalie Harrington moved with her mother to Liuyang city in the Hunan province of China.

Leadership Network / News
Leadership Network members discuss learning an Asian language

Despite growing awareness of the importance of learning a second language, over the past ten years New Zealand has seen a 29 percent drop in secondary school students learning an Asian language.