1062 Results
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Track II / News
Juggling academia and parenthood

Vanessa Bramwell writes about juggling parenthood and her PhD studies and how attending the 33rd Asia Pacific Roundatable in Kuala Lumpur helped clarify the direction she wants to take her career.

Resources / Report
New Zealanders' Perceptions of Asia and Asian Peoples - 2018

The Foundation’s latest Perceptions of Asia report shows a marked increase in New Zealanders’ self-assessed knowledge of Asia compared to five years ago.

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Business / Article
About our business programme

Our business programme supports New Zealand companies to better understand Asia so they can make the most of opportunities in the region. We are also focussed on growing the next generation of Asia-sa

Business / Article
Asia Business Leaders and Economic Thought Leaders Fund

The Foundation supports major business conferences and events promote diversity among speakers and enhance their Asia content by helping to identify and fund speakers from Asia for your event.

Leadership Network / News
The importance of language and aroha

Dewy Sacayan is a solicitor and an environmental activist based in Auckland. She writes about attending our Te Ao Māori Hui in Waitangi in June 2019.

Entrepreneurship / News
Sheep milk and honey on the menu for North Asian entrepreneurs

Dairy cows, dairy sheep, honey bees and kiwifruit were all New Zealand specialties on show for seven entrepreneurs from North Asia.

Education / News
PE teachers get inside look at RWC and Olympic preparations

Christchurch Girls' High School physical education teacher Nicola Richards writes about her experiences on the Foundation's Japan Sports Forum.

Track II / News
Mekong development a double-edged sword

Leadership Network member Jordan King writes about the big issues facing countries through which the Mekong River flows and why developments in the region should be of interest to New Zealand.

Media / News
NZ contributing to Indonesia's rubbish mountains

1 News political reporter Anna Whyte reports on investigating Indonesia's plastic-waste recycling industry, which sees thousands of tonnes of plastic from overseas, including from New Zealand.

Sports / News
Tokyo beyond the dojo

Nine Auckland teenagers experienced the dream of all young judoka (judo practitioners) when they got to live and train at the spiritual home of judo, the Kodokan Institute, in central Tokyo in April.

Business / News
Bold move pays off for Tokyo intern

Air New Zealand intern James Bowen describes leaving the comforts of Gisborne for the hustle and bustle of Tokyo.

Entrepreneurship / News
Green pastures in Singapore for NZ entrepreneur

Boutique beef products from a family farm in Taranaki are being delivered to foodies in Singapore, thanks to an introduction made possible by the Asia New Zealand Foundation.

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