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News / News
How New Zealanders view Japan - latest research

With the Prime Minister in Tokyo, we thought it would be timely to share a sneak peek of findings from our latest Perceptions of Asia research report highlighting how Kiwis perceive Japan.

Business / News
Students bring Asia knowledge to tackle Japan's plastic challenge

How to encourage Japanese consumers to reduce plastic waste was the theme of this year's Asia Savvy Student Challenge, which drew on participants' knowledge of Japanese culture to find solutions.

Education / News
Drumming up Asia learning in schools

Classrooms around the motu reverberated with the sound of taiko drumming thanks to a new Foundation programme bringing Asia-focussed activities to New Zealand schools.

Education / News
Christchurch students teach Japanese kids about Māori culture

We chat with Cobham Intermediate deputy principal Peter Fowler about the Christchurch school connecting with a school in Japan to develop cultural awareness among students.

Education / News
Olympic sailor wows students with stories of Asia

Olympic sailor Sam Meech Zoomed in on classrooms around the country recently to share his stories about traveling and competing in Asia, including taking part in the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games.

Education / News
Japan trip forges friendships for a lifetime

Riccarton High School students experienced the modernity and traditions of Japan on a tour of the country, visiting historic sites, attending high school and immersing themselves in the local culture.

Education / News
Students dazzled by Japan's neon lights, shrines and... melon soda

Awatapu College's visit to Japan took in many famous sights, from Shibuya Crossing to Kyoto's Golden Temple, but it was something unexpected that stole the show.

Education / News
Japan exchange expands Waihi school's whānau

Waihi College's expanded whānau now encompasses Kyoritsu Girl’s College in Japan, thanks to a reciprocal exchange programme that enables students from both schools to experience the other's culture.

Sports / News
Karate club's Japan visit honours late sensei

Practitioners from Hamilton Wadō-Kai Karate Club travelled to Tokyo recently to hone their skills and, with help from the Foundation Community Sports grant, learn about the local culture and history.

Leadership Network / News
Leadership Network member’s life a love letter to Japan

Leadership Network member Marcus Coll grew up habitually curious. His curiosities were directed in particular to understanding everything he could about the big wide world.

Sports / News
Softball tour illuminates Japan to Under 15 girls

A three-week tour of Japan to compete in the Under 15 Women's Softball World Cup saw the New Zealand team grow as players and people, writes Softball NZ's Tania Giles.

Media / News
The Hui follows a daughter's journey to find her Japanese father

The Hui producer Ruwani Perera recounts travelling to Japan with Migoto Eria (Tūhoe, Ngāti Kahungunu) as she embarks on a quest to reunite with her Japanese father after four decades of separation.

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