Current leaders of Asia

This quiz tests your knowledge of current political leaders in Asia... see how much you know!

Question 1 / 10

Which Asian leader has a penchant for heavy metal music?
Which four countries in Asia currently have female heads of state or heads of government?
Who is the current president of Myanmar?
In what decade did the current Emperor of Japan, Akihito, accede to the throne?
Xi Jingping is the first general secretary of the communist Party of China to be born after what historical event?
Who is the 14th and current president of India?
What was Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s first job?
Which Asian country has recently elected a well-known cricket star as their prime minister?
Who is the oldest sitting head of government in Asia?
Which Asian leader responded with the following when he was compared to US President Donald Trump? “He is a bigot and I am not.”