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Seriously Asia Revisited - Politics and Security


The Asia New Zealand Foundation Te Whītau Tūhono commissioned the Politics and Security paper as one of four thematic reports that revisit the outcomes and recommendations of the 2003 Seriously Asia initiative.

The papers reflect on how the context of New Zealand-Asia relationships have changed since 2003, what has been achieved and what could be done differently going forward. These papers informed a series of four hui held over the course of 2022. More than 25 people attended each hui, sharing their perspectives on the themes and contributing to recommendations on how New Zealand can best engage with Asia in the years ahead.

In this paper prepared for Seriously Asia Revisited, authors Professor David Capie and Bethan K. Greener examine how the political and security situation in Asia has changed since 2003, and the implications for New Zealand’s engagement with the region. The hui for this theme was held on Friday 19 August 2022 in Wellington.

SAR Politics and Security paper

pdf, 2.44 MB


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