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New Zealanders' Perceptions of Asia and Asian Peoples - 2019 annual study


The latest Perceptions of Asia and Asian Peoples survey reveals that New Zealanders feel closer to Asia compared to five years ago. This year's survey also includes two mini polls – one looking at how the Christchurch terror attacks impacted New Zealanders' perceptions of Asia and the other conducted following the onset of COVID-19 to see how the new coronavirus might have changed attitudes.

Two out of three believe it is important New Zealand continues to develop ties with Asia; and self-assessed knowledge of Asia is improving year-on-year. By January 2020, the mystery virus that became known as COVID-19 had grown to become arguably the biggest global event the Foundation had seen in its 26-year history. In March 2020, we asked Colmar Brunton to carry out a mini-poll to see how the spread of COVID-19 might have affected perceptions of Asia.

Perceptions of Asia 2019

pdf, 4.9 MB


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