Thinking careers? Think Asia

The Asia New Zealand Foundation commissioned Colmar Brunton to conduct an online survey of young people (aged between 16 and 25) to gauge what, if any, career advice they had received that prompted them to Think Asia when considering their career options.

Watch an infographic slideshow displaying findings from the Foundation's mini poll of students about if and where they get career advice that stresses the importance Asia will play in their futures.

The survey of 584 respondents found worryingly few had received career or study advice related to Asia.

Young people identified parents and caregivers as the main source of influential career and study advice. When it came to advice about Asia, teachers and parents were the leading providers of information. The survey did not identify school careers advisers as a significant source of information about Asia.

The survey found 43 percent of young people thought more could be done to prepare young New Zealanders to engage with Asia.