country information

Find facts, figures and information about Malaysia, including population, climate and useful websites.

Our country information for Malaysia provides relevant facts and figures as well as useful links to resources, websites and local media.     


Flag of Malaysia

Malaysia's flag

Population:  32 million (2018)

Geography: West Malaysia (area 131,794 square kms) and East Malaysia (198,000 square kms)

Climate: Equatorial, hot and humid all year

World heritage sites: Kinabalu National Park and Gunung National Park

Capital City: Kuala Lumpur

Language(s): Bahasa Malaysia, English, Chinese, Indian dialects

Official language: Bahasa Malaysia

Political system: Federal constitutional monarchy and a parliamentary democracy

Travel advisory information: For up-to-date travel advice for Malaysia from the New Zealand government visit safetravel.govt.

Useful websites
