Japan - country information

Find facts, figures and information about Japan, including population, climate and useful websites.

Japan - country information

Our country information for Japan provides relevant facts and figures as well as useful links to resources, websites and local media.


Japan's flag

Japan's flag

Population: 127 Million (2014)

Geography: More than half of Japan is mountainous and covered by forest. The country experiences frequent earthquakes as it is situated on four tectonic plates.

Climate: Japan has four distinct seasons, similar to New Zealand, and during the winter months there are snowfalls in the mountainous areas.

World heritage sites: Fujisan, Himeji-jo, Itsukushima Shinto Shrine, Yakushima

Capital City: Tokyo

Language(s): Aynu itak, Ryukyuan, Eastern Japanese, Western Japanese

Official language: Japanese

Political system: Unitary parliamentary constitutional monarchy

Travel advisory information: For up-to-date travel advice for Japan from the New Zealand government visit safetravel.govt.nz

Useful websites
