China country information

Find facts, figures and information about China, including population, climate and useful websites.

China country information

 Our country information for China provides relevant facts and figures as well as useful links to resources, websites and local media.

China's national flag

Population: 1.36 billion (2013)

Geography: 9,596,961 square kilometres

Climate: Complicated terrain causes radically changing weather patterns, experiences rain, monsoons and snow in the winter and has hot, humid summers

World heritage sites: The Great Wall, Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor, Mount Huangshan

Capital City: Beijing

Language(s): Mandarin, Cantonese, Jin, Tibetan, Mongolian, Wu

Official language: Mandarin

Political system: Socialist republic run by a single party. State power is executed by the Communist Party

Travel advisory information: For up-to-date travel advice for China from the New Zealand government visit