
Caleb Hoyle

Adviser (Research and Engagement)

Caleb has a B.A. degree from Te Herenga Waka Victoria University (Chinese studies) and master’s degrees from Peking University (management) and Te Herenga Waka Victoria University of Wellington (political science).

He has been awarded several academic scholarships and prizes, including the New Zealand Prime Minister’s Scholarship for Asia, the Freyberg Scholarship, and the Sir Desmond Todd Memorial Prize.

Before joining the Foundation, Caleb was a Visiting Fellow at the New Zealand Contemporary China Research Centre. In that role, he conducted research into US-China relations, New Zealand’s Chinese-language media, and how media in China present New Zealand’s relationship with China. He has also been a board member of the New Zealand Business Roundtable in China and worked as a consultant to non-Chinese companies and government agencies looking to enhance their engagement with Chinese consumers.”