Education Champions
John Armstrong
Tēnā koe
Ko Paparoa te maunga
Ko Māwhera te awa
Nō Tai Poutini ahau
Ko John Armstrong tōku ingoa
Ko tēnei tōku whānau
Ko Rebecca tōku hoa rangatira
Ko Rosie tāku tamahine
Ko Tom tāku tama
Tēnā koutou kātoa
John is the principal of Henley School in the Nelson region. He has been the principal of three other schools and has also worked as a full-time school reviewer for the Education Review Office. John has been proudly involved with the Foundation since 2009.
Henley School has a sister school relationship with Compassvale Primary School in Sengkang, Singapore. This relationship has been going for a number of years now and has involved his school hosting and home-staying teachers from Compassvale Primary School. Many of Henley School's teachers have also experienced teaching at Compassvale School and they have regular classroom interactions through Skype or Zoom.
He has travelled extensively throughout Asia and has family links with Japan. John plays a lot of sport and says this has been useful in ‘opening doors’ and making connections in Asia.