Kia hiwa rā - Māori creative (digital) business delegation to China 2024

The Asia New Zealand Foundation Te Whītau Tūhono is offering up to eight places for emerging Māori creative business leaders to be part of a funded delegation to China in July 2024.

This delegation is an opportunity for emerging Māori business leaders in the creative industries – with a focus on game development and digital storytelling – to upskill and gain exposure to one of the world's largest markets and a major trendsetter in creative industry and design norms across wider Asia.   

With 1.4 billion people, China has one of the most dynamic and fast-moving digital industries in the world that draws on 5,000 years of recorded cultural history.

This haerenga is a chance to share Māori culture and demonstrate how it shines through our approach to business and work - especially in the creative industries.   

The programme is designed to provide participants with a window into the Chinese creative and business world while giving an overview of China's creative industries, build understanding of global and Asia-wide trends coming out of China as well as dive into cultural and business connections. 

The trip will include:  

  • meetings with leading Chinese game developers/designers
  • visits to Chinese internet companies
  • cultural visits and experiences
  • attending indi-game-development expo China Joy.

Tentative dates for this programme are the 21 July to the 29 July and will be confirmed closer to the time.  

Applications have now closed.

Eligibility and terms and conditions

To be eligible you must:

  • be a New Zealand citizen or permanent resident
  • whakapapa Māori
  • be willing to participate in aspects of kawa, appropriate as Māori
  • have started or be a senior leader in a New Zealand creative business.

This opportunity is aimed at supporting individual development and is non-transferable.

As this is a funded opportunity, we encourage emerging business leaders and founders of early-stage businesses to apply.

In addition to individual company/business leader potential, the final selection of the delegation will be decided on by which combination of applicants/businesses provide the most cohesive delegation. Elements of tuakana-teina will also be taken into consideration for the final selection.

Please note that participants will be expected to attend all sessions of the delegation and to participate in all activities, including pre-departure briefings.

What's covered

The Foundation will cover the costs of:

  • return economy class airfares to/from China
  • programmed on the ground transportation costs
  • accommodation during the programme
  • main meals during programme
  • costs associated with meeting programmed elements (tickets etc).

Participants will need to:

  • purchase travel insurance (mandatory)
  • be responsible for getting to and from their local airport
  • meet any costs beyond the prepared programme and any personal expenses
  • ensure they have an up-to- date passport
  • arrange their own visa.

How to apply

Applications for this opportunity have now closed.


If you have any questions, or are wondering whether this opportunity is for you, please reach out to Ethan Jones: