1067 Results
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Arts grants
New Zealand artists to explore Asia opportunities

Seventeen New Zealand-based artists have been selected as recipients of the latest round of Asia New Zealand Foundation's Arts Practitioners Fund.

Media / News
Kiwi journalism intern gets lost in Thailand

Armed with a third-hand camera and a can-do attitude, journalism intern Anisha Satya covered stories as wide ranging as a political court case to lovers among the Bangkok flower markets.

Sports / News
Baseball NZ touches base with Taiwan counterparts

Looking to develop the game in NZ and learn from the success baseball has achieved in Asia, Baseball NZ's Connar O'Gorman visited Taiwan to make connections and establish pathways for collaboration.

Arts / News
Artist selected for prestigious Japan residency and international art festival

Artist Sarah Hudson has been selected for the Naoshima Artist Residency and to participate in the prestigious Setouchi Triennale—a contemporary art festival held on islands in Japan's Seto Inland Sea.

New Fund
Foundation launches India Fund

The Asia New Zealand Foundation is pleased to announce the establishment of a dedicated India Fund to help it scale-up its work in and with India.

Leadership Network / News
Leadership Network member and CEO breaking glass ceilings

Alexia Hilbertidou was not your average teenager. Imagine the usual trials and tribulations of teenagehood and add to them founding and running a company with skyrocketing popularity.

Education / News
Students dazzled by Japan's neon lights, shrines and... melon soda

Awatapu College's visit to Japan took in many famous sights, from Shibuya Crossing to Kyoto's Golden Temple, but it was something unexpected that stole the show.

Arts / News
Artist divines connections in Japan and Taiwan

Visiting fortune tellers and spiritual readers for an upcoming project gave artist Jen Alexandra a glimpse into a significant side of Japanese and Taiwanese societies that often go overlooked.

Business / News
NZ China Council internship "a journey of discovery and growth"

"Although I entered the role with my own expectations and goals, little did I know the experience would surpass these in many unexpected ways," writes New Zealand China Council intern Laura Oh.

Research / Arts
Report highlights New Zealanders’ growing interest in Asian arts

The Foundation's research report New Waves: Meeting the growing hunger for Asian art in Aotearoa finds increasing interest in Asian arts and cultural experiences among New Zealanders.

Education / Grant
Japan Study Grants

The Foundation’s Japan study grants assist secondary school classes (Years 9 to 13) to travel to Japan for study tours.

Leadership Network / Grant
Leadership Network: Entrepreneurs in Action

This is an opportunity for up to three Leadership Network members to give back and grow their coaching and mentoring skills.

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