1072 Results
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Arts / News
Cherry blossoms and the beauty of Japanese paper

Artist Sybille Schlumbom describes travelling to the small city of Echizen on Japan's west coast to meet with fellow woodblock artists and learn about the intricacies of Japanese paper making.

Creative industries
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Documentary filmmaking
internship, Singapore

Doc Edge, Beach House Pictures and the Foundation are excited to announce an internship for documentary filmmakers which will see them working with one of Asia’s leading production houses in Singapore

Science / IT / Engineering
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R&D internship,

The Foundation supports science, IT, and engineering students to intern at the research and development (R&D) campus of the Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) in Taiwan.

Law / business / commerce etc
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internship, Vietnam

The aim of the KPMG internship is to give talented New Zealand senior tertiary students an experience of working in a commercial environment in Vietnam.

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Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre internship

This internship is aimed at practising lawyers and law students who are interested in international dispute resolution and international arbitration.

Business / News
Intern inspired to pursue a future in China

In this article Aidan Young describes the incredible three months he spent in Ningbo, China, over the New Zealand summer interning at digital marketing agency United Media Solution.

marketing / media / communications
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United Media Solution (UMS)
internship, China

This opportunity is open to New Zealand undergraduate students majoring in marketing, media, communications and creativity-related majors to undertake a three-month internship in Ningbo, China.

Business / marketing / creative industries
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CJ Cultural Foundation internship, South Korea

This is a unique opportunity for a New Zealand student or recent graduate majoring in business, marketing, media and communications, music, or film to gain valuable industry experience.

international relations / business / communications
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New Zealand China Council internship

This opportunity is for a NZ undergraduate or recent graduate majoring in international relations, business, communications or media to gain industry experience through an internship programme.

Leadership Network / News
Leadership Network member’s life a love letter to Japan

Leadership Network member Marcus Coll grew up habitually curious. His curiosities were directed in particular to understanding everything he could about the big wide world.

Leadership Network / Join
Join the Leadership Network

The Leadership Network equips New Zealand’s best and brightest to thrive in Asia. We support members to achieve, lead and learn about Asia so that New Zealand can succeed in the region.

Interns' stories
Intern explores Taiwan and the hydrogen economy

Sarah Young describes spending three months over the NZ summer interning in Taiwan where she put her studies to use researching topics such as advanced semiconductor packaging and the hydrogen economy

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